Practical Tips Teaching Children with Special Needs

Practical Tips Teaching Children with Special Needs. The following blurb: 
1. Be Good and PositiveALL children can learn! All children can learn for learning strategies that are applied in accordance with their needs and their ability to learn. As a teacher, you play a role in supporting the learning of all children, including children with special needs. Study their character, for example by asking parents about the child's habits, the background of a child's learning, etc. Each child has a different character-different then prepare a strategy that best suits them. Be nice and positive and encouraging it is also necessary so you can easily adapt to them.Most children with special needs tend to be inferior. It affects children's learning processes and outcomes. Motivation of the environment is needed including the support of teachers to ensure that they are able. Give children the opportunity to participate in learning and then give positive feedback and praise for each business and the success they achieve. Negative responses such insults may lower child's interest in learning. In this case the teacher can be a role model for other children in order to do the right thing.Children can become aggressive and negative behavior if it was not understood or afraid of a task or question for them too difficult. If a child to be so then Alihkanlah their negative feelings, such as by doing fun activities children's hearts.

2. Use Appropriate Classroom SettingClass setting-shaped "U" shape is more advisable than a row (theater). Besides useful to provide room for children wheelchair users, setting U also facilitate teachers eye contact with children who have hearing constraints such as the deaf and blind people, enables children to listen to the teacher with a better explanation. Furthermore, the sitting position of children with visual and hearing impairments need to be set with due regard to the ease of interaction and communication between teachers and students and among students.In addition to setting class U, you can also use other class setting in accordance with the learning activities that will you and the kids did. Use group setting if the learning activities membutuhan discussion among students. Learning can take place without a table and chairs, for example when you want to use stories or games in the learning activities. Children can freely sit on the floor with carpet pads / mats. Learning outside the classroom occasionally also needs to be done.

Changes made learning class is not monotonous or boring both for you and for the kids!3. Speak Clearly with Face Position Facing StudentsMost children with special needs only requires good teaching, clear, and accessible. It is important for teachers in inclusive schools for dealing with children while teaching and provide insight on them.Let the children with special needs to sit in the front row so that they can see the teacher and explanations written on the blackboard better. By sitting in the front row, children with special needs can also listen to the teacher's explanations with more focus and can help increase their attention span of the learning that takes place.Make sure the position of special needs children to be near your position, especially when learning activities outside the classroom. This can make you pay attention to the needs of children.

Hint: It is not advisable to talk while writing on the blackboard because your back is turned child and harder for them to hear your explanation! Avoid talking while writing on the blackboard because the child is difficult to hear the explanation and read the expression on your face when your back was turned.


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